Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hello, people!

Wow, I really don't update this at ALL. I recently got rid of all of my iOS devices- except for my iPhone 2G. Also, Absynthe works for Jailbreaking. I have recently taken up an interest in Java! That's right, JAVA! I have gotten an obsession for Minecraft. If you want to catch up on my stuff, follow me on Twitter:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Here's the truth that people may have been wanting.

Lemonra1n is NOT real. Never has, never will. I have no experience in Python, C++ or any development language. Recently, a YouTuber by the name of screeneeder made a video debunking my fake program. I made this when I was making experiments in VB6. I will never know anything about how to jailbreak. On the other hand, pod2g has released an untethered jailbreak for 5.0.1 on all 3rd gen devices and A4-based devices. This website is now defunct. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Go follow my twitter, erekohn if you want to see funny tweets! Thanks!


Here's the truth that people may have. Ee

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A suprise reopening!

Yes, after OVER A MONTH of Lemonra1n being dead, I finally decided to renew Lemonra1n with a New RELEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New Download Links: This time, pictures to click!








v1.2 b1:


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shutting Down; No joke.

Good freaking news for all you haters on afpelportal and other people.
Lemonra1n is gone.
Visual Basic turned out to be Malware, and I will not allow that on my AMD.
The people that have liked this while it existed are probably disappointed about this, but I just cannot use a program that can execute malware onto my system, or even into the programs I create. Seriously, I just sat down to make a new version of Lemonra1n when AVG pops up saying "MALWARE DETECTED". This is really dissapointing for me, considering I have put hard work into making this program. Here is another announcment. It's fake. I bet you guys already knew that, but I just want to say it so nobody thinks i'm stupid. I'm sorry guys.
See you later.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Good News!

Lemonra1n is coming back! It's also going to have a Torrent option!